Meowlo Meow!
I iz BeBeastikleeze da spaced-out announce cat!

Kleezie AnnouncerThe race is on!
The cats have left the spacewarp tunnel and are
on their way to the planet Demenschialoonia! Lets
listen in on their intergallactic radio transmissions!

"I thinks dat I kan tinker wif it ( hovercat) a bit and haf
it going much more than 100 gliks per second!"

"We are very keen Grand Prix Fans! Buddee, I am driving!
I saw mew guzzling da Mookruh Moonlight!
Hold on to your hats cats!!!!!!!!"

Smokey Girl:
"Mewhehe, if we can keep our paws off each other,
Hugo and I will join the race in our Purple Passion hovercraft."

Dwnn "The Wicked":
"Knowing Bitsy's reputation for "enjoying" food,
there's a rumor that competitors will sneak onto the course
and fill her hovercat with an astonishing array of the finest victuals
just before the race. It is believed that her interest in comestibles
will overcome her focus on the race and cause her to forfeit."

"Caturally, I am shocked at the idea of such nefarious schemes,
meows! "Since I weight 17 pounds, I think that other cats
should have a weight handicap added to make it fair.
My littermate, Dwnn, should have to carry six pound bag of litter
to balance the load. Maybe more!
I would not be surprised
if he tries to force the leading hovercat off the track."

"I iz a heavyweight, weighing in at twenty pounds and all mew catz
will wish mew had purracticed cuz I iz gonna win dis race!"

Tiddler and Moonlight:
"Watch out fur us in the race, like Buddee we are Grand Prix
fans and, although we are not brilliant drivers, we are fast
and may accidentally knock a cat or two out of the race.
It may be best to steer clear of our erratic driving."

RC "The Rotten":
"If mew want mew can ram meows bofur Sluggo. I purromise
dat I wills turn a blind eye. He iz not got da brains to know up
furrom down! I iz gonna beat da rest of da tail offa dat boy!"

Queen Bitsy:
"Hmmm...efurryone seems to have furgotten that I
am also in the race! Is that because they are afrraid I might beat them?
Well, even if you ignore me, I am not going away!"
Racing cats

Sounds like da competition iz furry fierce!
My radio iz breaking up, Meow merraows!
What was that boom?
Did some kitties get knocked out of the race?
Who arrived on Demenschialoonia first?
Write what mew saw in my notebook.
If da kitty dat mew picked wins da race you
will win a purrize!

~Winners ~

