Revoltin boys Rollin Down Da highway

Sluggo and the boys
head out to the grand Catyon
truck pic

Sammeye:  Hey Sluggo we look so much alike. do mew think dat I could says dat It is mew in da truck instead of me?

Nic:  hey guys how come im in da back!! Meows furr is gettin tangled.

Jessie:  Dere iznt no more room in da seats. im squished.

KeeK:  dont shove boyz Im gonna fall out.

Sluggo:  Shaddup mew two no one is fallin out Hen will keepz an eye on mew.

Hen:  I gotta go ..hey watch the paws! I gotta pee NOW!!!!

Milo: This is great just look at dat catyon!

Amos: Did mew remember da fude dat mew was gonna put in da bag Andy?

Andy: Amos that was your job..I carried it to da truck!


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